What happened to the crypto islands?

What happened to the crypto islands?   protos.com 07 August 2024 16:05, UTC While the crypto industry has largely toned down its expectations around what can be accomplished with blockchains and decentralized finance, it was only a couple of years ago that multiple projects were suggesting that blockchains wouldn’t just help run smart cities, but…

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Venezuela's Election Body Says Nicolas Maduro Relected President, Opposition Claims Victory Too: Reports

Venezuela's Election Body Says Nicolas Maduro Relected President, Opposition Claims Victory Too: Reports   coindesk.com 29 July 2024 07:14, UTC Nicolas Maduro has been relected Venezuela’s President, the election authority, controlled by Maduro loyalists has said. The opposition too has claimed victory in a nation where the dependence on crypto is fueled by multiple crises….

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Bitcoin Nashville Conference in Pictures: Orange Athena, Pink Suits, Polymarket Swag, Trump's Song

Bitcoin Nashville Conference in Pictures: Orange Athena, Pink Suits, Polymarket Swag, Trump's Song   coindesk.com 29 July 2024 07:15, UTC Attending the Bitcoin Nashville conference last week hosted by BTC Inc. was an exercise in sensory-overload management: Try to stay in the moment, follow the thread, and hopefully don’t lose your mind or your wits….

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